This article belongs under our 'Pan-Afropedia' content category which is designed to house a wide and diverse library of articles by original African thinkers, home and abroad. Placing emphasis on knowledge over popularity, we collaborate with, reach out to, and feature both well-known writers and the lesser. Let us be your platform, email us via for a chance to feature your articles at A.R.T. This article is written by Dr. Runoko Rashidi, learn more about him, and his articles at BLACK MAN IN EARLY ROME Ancient African people, sometimes called Moors, are known to have had a significant presence and influence in early Rome. African soldiers, specifically identified as Moors, were actively recruited for Roman military service and were stationed in Britain, France, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Romania. Many of these Africans rose to high rank. Lusius Quietus, for example, was one of Rome'...
Afro, Reality and Truth.
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