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According to the “Out of Africa” hypothesis, all people of today have inherited the same mitochondria from a woman who lived in Africa about 160,000 years ago, so named Mitochondrial Eve. The Y chromosomes possessed by all men was inherited from a man who lived 140,000–500,000 years ago, probably in Africa. This man is known as the Y-chromosomal Adam. This fact is pivotal in understanding Africans' place as ancestors of all humanity, and architects of the world's first civilizations.

Early China.

The Blacks of China were known in historical literature by many names, including Negro, Austroloid, Oceanean by the Europeans. The East Indians and Mongoloid groups had other names for these Blacks such as Dara. Yueh-chi. Yaksha, Suka, and K’un-lun. Lushana and Seythians. It’s been over 100,000 years ago since modern humans left Africa. Indeed, the modern Chinese have African origins, their ancestors having migrated to China from Africa via South Asia. These early Africans kept moving along the tropical coastlines, before colonizing coastal areas.

    5000 BC, African people from Kush, began to enter China and Central Asia from Iran, while another group reached China by sea. This two-route migration of Blacks to China led to the development of southern and northern Chinese branches of Africans. The Northern Chinese Africans were called Kui-shuang (Kushana) or Yueh-chi, while the southern tribes were called Yi amongst others names.


   Blacks architected many civilizations in Northern China. The earliest empires of China were the Xia, Dynasty (1900-1700 BC), Shang/Yin Dynasty (1700-1050 BC) and the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou Dynasty is the first and only dynasty founded by the Mongoloids. The Xia and Shang dynasties were founded by Black tribes living in ancient China, both dynasties originating from similar ancestors.



  The earliest inhabitants of Southeast Asia are Austroloids and Negrito as revealed by recovered skeletal remains. By 2500 BC Africans of the Mediterranean and West African type entered these areas through India.



“There is evidence of substantial populations of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substratum in the earliest periods of Chinese history, and reports of major kingdoms ruled by Blacks are frequently in Chinese documents." -Kwang-Chi Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient China, (Yale University Press) and Irwin Graham, Africans Abroad (Columbia University Press).

Multiple Archeological studies in China have revealed that the oldest human skeletons (found so far) belong to Africans. The Archeology of Ancient China stated that, “Negroid skeletons dating to the early periods of Southern Chinese history have been found in Shangdong, Jiantung, Sichuan, Yunnan, Pearl River delta and Jiangxi. These must have been different settlements, peoples, tribes and progenitors of culture, aboriginal land owners of present-day China.

F. Weidenreich noted that the one of the earliest skulls from north China found in the Upper Cave of Chou-k’ou-tien, was of Oceanic Negroid/ Melanesoid origins. This would place people in China during the Mesolithic looking like African/Negro people, not native American.




 Today’s Japanese have been proposed to spring from two ancestral sources.   Before the end of the Last Glacial Maximum, hunter-gatherers had crossed over from the mainland via the northern route (the land bridge to north connected to Sakhalin Island) around 30,000 years ago.  These hunter-gatherers formed part of the ancient Jomon culture which is thought to have expanded around 20,000 years ago.


Around 60,000 years ago, the first modern humans very likely arrived in Southern East Asia  after having proceeded via the Indian sub-continental coastline.  These earliest of migrating peoples were the bearers of the Haplogroup types C and D. These explorers originally of African origin settled initially in mainland southern East Asia, then migrated northward about 25,000-30,000 years ago, and spread throughout East Asia. The Jomons are African Chinese ancestors who evolved the hunter-gatherer culture of ancient Japan to sedentism and created a much more complex culture. The Jomons are known for creating the earliest pottery designs, characterized by the cord-marking. These Africans ancestors entered Japan and became the first humans to inhabit the Japanese Islands. 


The Semangs are African Asians recorded to have lived in the Malay Peninsula as far back as a thousand and seven hundred years ago. Today, African genes can still be found in 40% of modern Japanese, as well as Mongolians and Tibetans.




The Jomons are progenitors of art in Asia, well known for their pottery style- “cord-marked,” characterized by impressing cords into the surface of wet clay and is generally accepted to be the oldest in the world.


A well-defined form of calligraphic writing, surviving till date, invention of many musical instruments and the observation of Mars and comets were achieved under the black Shang dynasty, as well as an advanced bronze casting and pottery, which eventually evolved into large-scale production.


Africa’s Mound Culture.

There was a widespread mound culture in China covering its plateau in the west to the western coast of the Pacific Ocean, it includes Huang-Huai (the Yellow River and the Huai River) plan of north China and the lower valley of the Yangtse River of central China, these mounds lie in the ancient line of Austronesian habitation. The mounds were occupied when these areas were much warmer than they are now.


The Chinese mound culture had begun around 3000 BC, a thousand years after the culture had developed in Africa. One of the most important mound cultures of China was that of Hu Shu. The Hu Shu mounds were man-made knolls called ‘terraced sites.’ The mounds served as 1) burial places, 2) religious centers, and 3) habitation.





 “We did not see even one single individual that could be considered as a descendent of the homo erectus in China, rather, everybody was a descendent of our ancestors from Africa.”

                                                                           -Jin Li, Chinese DNA specialist.   

A research team led by Jin Li, a Chinese geneticist and the vice-president of Fudan University and professor at the National Human Genome Center and Fudan's Institute of Genetics, both in Shanghai, in the year 2005 collected and analyzed more than 12,000 DNA samples from 165 different ethnic groups in China and found little genetic distinctiveness in people of Southeast Asia with Africans, providing evidence that modern humans evolved from a single origin, not multiple origins as some experts believe.

While it is true that early humans belonged to different species, it is only the East African species that developed into modern humans, from which the world’s civilizations including those in Asia sprung, this fact is adduced by DNA analyses of thousands of samples gathered by Jin’s team from around the world, proving that a number of human families evolved in East Africa some 150,000 years and nullifying the theory that the ancestors of the Chinese people were “Peking Man.”

“According to this research, about 100,000 years ago, some of those humans began to leave Africa, with some people moving to China via South and Southeast Asia,” Li said.



The similarities between the physical traits of the San suggests they are genetic predecessors of the Chinese population. They’re marked by a distinctive look: small in stature generally with light yellowish skin, which wrinkles very early in life, and slanted eyes much like Asians.

The San people, are likely to be the oldest population of humans on Earth,

THE San of southern Africa are one of the oldest peoples in the world, who have lived as hunter-gatherers for thousands of years, remnants of Africa's oldest cultural group, genetically the closest surviving people to the original Homo sapiens from which the Negroid people of Africa emerged. according to the biggest and most detailed analysis of African DNA.

The San traditionally lived in Southern Africa in the following countries, although virtually none live purely by hunting and gathering today: Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Angola, with loosely related groups in Tanzania.



In northern China the blacks founded many civilizations. The three major empires of China were the Xia Dynasty (c.2205-1766 B.C), Shang/ Yin Dynasty (c.1700-1050 B.C) and the Zhou Dynasty. The Zhou dynasty was the first dynasty founded by the Mongoloid people in China called Hua (Who-aa). The founders of Xia and Shang came from the Fertile African Crescent by way of Iran.

The physicality of earlier groups of Chinese people corresponded with features that some researchers call “distinctly Negroid.” Author and professor Chang Hsing-Lang noted this in “The Importation of Negro Slaves to China Under the Tang Dynasty,” where he writes that “even the sacred Manchu dynasty shows the Negro strain. The lower part of the face of the Emperor Pu-yi of Manchukuo, direct descendant of the Manchu rulers of China, is most distinctly Negroid.” The Shang Dynasty (or Chiang)


The Shang Dynasty refers to the earliest documented rulership of China that ruled in the mid and lower Yellow River in the second millennium B.C. Founded by King Tang or Ta, which is credited with China’s earliest known civilization. The Shang were given the name Nakhi (Na-Black, Khi-man). Under the Shang, the Chinese established the basic forms of a graceful calligraphy that has lasted to the present day.

The first Chinese emperor, the legendary Fu-his (2953-2383 BC), was without doubt black and his African brothers and sisters established government, social institutions and cultural inventions.

These ancients are credited with the creation of the I Ching, or the `Book of Change' which is the oldest most revered system of prophesy. It is known to have influenced the most distinguished philosophers of Chinese thought. These African offspring were responsible for the building of China's earth mound pyramids, which are today mistaken for hills due to their eroded appearance in size. The pyramids in Japan are not made of stone indigenous to Japan. It is said that small black people built them during the Mu civilization.

In later ages they were responsible in 210 BC for constructing an elaborate tomb for Qin Shi-Huangi, his body is guarded by an army of warriors, made out of Terracotta. They are also credited with the building of the Great Wall of China.

     The kingdom of Funan is the name given by Chinese historians to the earliest kingdom of Southeast Asia, its rulers were a Black people known as Khmers, a name that loudly recalls ancient Kmt (Egypt).” Much like many other early descriptions of Chinese people, these ancient nation-builders were described by many sources at the time as “small and Black.”

The Chinese legends designate various culture heroes as the inventors of various aspects of Chinese civilization. The Chinese term for emperor is Di. Huang Di, who has been linked to Africa, is the Chinese culture hero credited with introducing boats, carts 'chariots, the bow and arrow, ceramics, wooded houses and writing.

 The Africans or blacks that founded civilization in China were often called Li min "black headed people" by the Zhou dynasts. These Li min are associated with the Chinese cultural hero Yao. Chinese civilization began along the Yellow river. Here the soil was fertile and black Chinese farmers grew millet 4000 years ago, and later soybeans. They also raised pigs and cattle. By 3500 B.C., the blacks in China were raising silkworms and making silk.

The Li Min are associated with culture hero Yao. In the Annals of the Bamboo Books, it is said that, Yao "- united and harmonized the myriad states under his power, and the black headed people were reformed by his cordial agreement.”  We also learn that Yao devised a calendar to help regulate agrarian work through the use of ritual and music and created a rudimentary government.

  Quoting the works of Kwang-Chih Chang for the `The Archaeology of Ancient China' by Irwin Graham, in `Afrikan Abroad'-Runoko Rashidi makes these two points:

There is evidence of substantial population of Blacks in early China. Archaeological studies have located a black substratum in earliest Chinese history, and report of Major Kingdoms ruled by blacks are frequent in "Chinese documents" Nile Valley civilization " In the earliest Chinese history, several text in classical books spoke of these diminutive blacks; the ToHeu-Li composed under the dynasty of Teheu (1122-249BC) give description of the inhabitants with black features.

Chinese folklore speak often of these blacks and mention an emperor of China named Li (373-397) consort of the emperor Hsiao Wu Wen who is spoken of as being black Afrikan, and kingdom of diminutive blacks in the south west of China.

 The sacred manchu dynasty shows a great strain of black people. Emperor Pu-yi of Manchikuo, direct descendants of the Manchu ruler of China is most distinctly black.

Chinese Chronicle reports that a “black empire existed in the south of China at the beginning of the country's history".


Na-khis (Black Chinese), in the Chinese Temple of Heaven, in the year 1920.

Chinese blacks , 1800s

Historic Descriptions of China’s Early Inhabitants

The Shang Dynasty (1766-1027 B.C.E.) marked China’s very first dynasty after conquering the Zhou, the Zhou themselves, described their conquerors, the Shang, as a people of “Black and oily skin.” Xia dynasties is said to have had Black rulers as well.

Xuan Di

According to Professor Shun-Sheng Ling, the earliest documented rulers in China were referred to as Xuan Di, a phrase that translates to Black Emperor.

The culture hero Huang Di is African origin. His name was pronounced in old Chinese Yuhai Huandi or Hu Nak Kunte. Records suggest he arrived in China from the west in 2282 B.C., and settled along the banks of the Loh river in Shanxi. This transliteration of Huandgi, to Hu Nak Kunte- Kunte is a common clan name among the Manding speakers.

Chinese folklore often makes mention of Africans and mention an emperor of China named Li (373-397) consort of the emperor Hsiao Wu Wen who is spoken of as being African, and another kingdom of diminutive blacks in the south western China.


A.R.T. will address this question in our sequel article.

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